
Cristina Guitan

Going to a friend's exhibition on Thursday night in Dalston 'Portraits of My Life as a Bird.' Cristina is an Illustrator and often exhibits her work on a large scale. I'm especially looking forward to this exhibition as I rocked up to the last one at Shunt in London Bridge to find I was a week late!
On her website this is how her latest exhibition is described: ‘Portraits of My Life as a Bird’ explores the nature and aesthetics of the hybrid. Throughout history, mythical hybrids such as the chimera were used to describe fantastic yet vulnerable power. Courtesy of rapid advances in genetic manipulation, humanity is now on the verge of holding such power. Liberated from biology and ethical oversight, ‘Portraits of My Life as a Bird’ is a playful imagining of this genetically mutated future.
The above text and all photos are copyright of Cristina Guitan.
